Sirfin-PA has chosen to adhere to the Social Accountability 8000 standard because it believes that operating using transparent methods and systems, meeting the expectations of its staff, collaborators, customers and suppliers are factors that guarantee continuous improvement and ensure the success of the business. ‘agency.
Sirfin-PA has therefore undertaken to comply with national, EU and international laws on labor and workers’ rights, complying with the provisions contained in the official documents and their interpretations. And also, of:
• maintaining social responsibility requirements over time and adapting to any new requirements that may be required;
• ensure periodic monitoring and continuous improvement of the management system implemented by defining specific improvement objectives and verifying their achievement;
• ensure adequate training and information on ethics and social responsibility for all personnel;
• make suppliers aware of the social responsibility principles of the SA8000 standard;
• carry out audits aimed at ascertaining compliance with social requirements, then adopt all necessary corrective and preventive actions;
• document and communicate to stakeholders the commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility also through the drafting of the Social Report.
The Social Responsibility commitment undertaken by Sirfin-PA S.r.l concerns the following issues. child labour, forced labour, health and safety, freedom of association and right to bargain, discrimination, disciplinary procedures, working hours, pay. The assessment of Sirfin-PA’s compliance with the SA8000 principles is ensured by an independent third party.
All workers and interested parties, should they become aware of a potentially critical situation or wish to make reports, recommendations and/or complaints regarding the workplace and/or non-compliance with the SA8000 standard, are invited to formalize a report through one of the channels indicated below.
• through the company account, using the form SGRS- SEGNALAZIONE E/O RECLAMO;
• to the SGS Italia SpA certification, e-mail:;
• to the International Accreditation Body by e-mail
Sirfin-PA undertakes to examine and manage all findings received regarding non-compliance. No discrimination or disciplinary action can be taken against those who raise such findings. The Social Performance Team set up at Sirfin-PA receives SA8000 reports, manages them confidentially and, at the end of the analysis and resolution process, provides feedback to the whistleblower via the e-mail address from which the report came, but does not carry out any checks or verifications on the effective receipt of the reply to the reporting entity. The SA8000 report can also be made anonymously using any address that cannot be traced back to a person/company.
Download the official document