UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Design, development, production, technical consultancy, installation, and support of software products for public and private entities and administrations. Provision of system support and application assistance services outsourcing; data processing services. Provision of data entry services; acquisition, processing, and magneto-optical archiving of cartographic data, images, and documents. Provision of operational management services and design of IT technological infrastructures. Provision of training services, including e-learning; provision of organizational consultancy and support for processes (sectors EA33, EA35, EA37).
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 The IT service management system of SirfinPA that supports the provision of operations, support, and maintenance of applications and systems to external clients, located at Via Bargoni 78, Rome.
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Design, development, production, maintenance, technical consultancy, installation, and support of software products for public and private entities and administrations. Provision of application support services in accordance with the declaration of applicability ver 1.3 dated 22.06.2015 (Rome branch office).
UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 Design, development, production, technical consultancy, installation, and support of software products for public and private entities and administrations. Provision of system support and application assistance services outsourcing; data processing services; data entry services; acquisition, processing, and magneto-optical archiving of cartographic data, images, and documents. Provision of operational management services and design of IT technological infrastructures (sectors EA33, EA35).
Sirfin-PA has chosen to adhere to the Social Accountability 8000 standard because it believes that operating using transparent methods and systems, meeting the expectations of its staff, collaborators, customers and suppliers are factors that guarantee continuous improvement and ensure the success of the business. ‘agency.
See the dedicated page.